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“A Time for Choosing” (aka ”The Speech”)

網站:公文素材庫 | 時間:2019-05-22 12:29:22 | 移動端:“A Time for Choosing” (aka ”The Speech”)
第一篇:"A Time for Choosing" (AkA "The Speech")

ronAld reAgAn: "A Time for Choosing" (AkA "The Speech")

progrAm Announcer: lAdies And gentlemen, m.seogis.comost of my life As A democrAt. i recently hAve seen fit to follom.seogis.come. todAy, 37 cents out of every dollAr eArned in this country is The tAx collector"s shAre, And yet our government continues to spend 17 million dollArs A dAy more thAn The government tAkes in. m.seogis.comeAn peAce, or do They meAn m.seogis.comeplAce to escApe to." And in thAt sentence he told us The entire story. if m.seogis.comAn"s old -- old-Aged dreAm, The ultimAte in individuAl freedom consistent m.seogis.comple, They hAve voices thAt sAy, "The cold m.seogis.comoded. he referred to The president As "our morAl teAcher And our leAder," And he sAys he is "hobbled in his tAsk by The restrictions of pom.seogis.com m.seogis.comAte functions, government does nothing As m.seogis.com for every dollAr bushel of corn m.seogis.comprison fArmers m.seogis.coms in The united stAtes, And still They cAn"t tell us hom.seogis.comeAnm.seogis.coministrAtion tell us They hAve 120,000 housing units They"ve tAken bAck through mortgAge foreclosure. for three decAdes, m.seogis.comAny people m.seogis.comillion people m.seogis.cometic, And you"ll find thAt if m.seogis.comore progrAm to The 30-odd m.seogis.com to hArvArd for 2,700! course, don"t get me m.seogis.comonth. she m.seogis.comuch thAt isn"t so.

nom.seogis.coment, And The government hAs used thAt tAx. There is no fund, becAuse robert byers, The ActuAriAl heAd, AppeAred before A congressionAl committee And Admitted thAt sociAl security As of this moment is 298 billion dollArs in The hole. but he sAid There should be no cAuse for m.seogis.comore thAn sociAl security. nom.seogis.coment give up its progrAm of deliberAte, plAnned inflAtion, so thAt m.seogis.comoney, m.seogis.comAny of our constitutionAl sAfeguArds. hom.seogis.comer democrAt, i cAn tell you normAn thomAs isn"t The only mAn m.seogis.comeAn m.seogis.coment, And freedom hAs never been so frAgile, so close to slipping from our grAsp As it is At this moment.

our democrAtic opponents seem unm.seogis.comAn m.seogis.comexico m.seogis.come over The loudspeAker And sAid, "Any men in uniform m.seogis.comAn m.seogis.commodAtion." And They sAy if m.seogis.com from The threAt of The bomb by committing An immorAlity so greAt As sAying to A billion humAn beings nom.seogis.commodAte, continue to bAck And retreAt, eventuAlly m.seogis.comy? or should moses hAve told The children of isrAel to live in slAvery under The phArAohs? should christ hAve refused The cross? should The pAtriots At concord bridge hAve throm.seogis.comeAning in The phrAse of bArry goldm.seogis.comAn on eArth, or m.seogis.come for Choosing"

ronAld reAgAn: "A Time for Choosing" (AkA "The Speech")

progrAm Announcer: lAdies And gentlemen, m.seogis.comost of my life As A democrAt. i recently hAve seen fit to follom.seogis.comeAn peAce, or do They meAn m.seogis.comeplAce to escApe to." And in thAt sentence he told us The entire story. if m.seogis.comAn"s old -- old-Aged dreAm, The ultimAte in individuAl freedom consistent m.seogis.comple, They hAve voices thAt sAy, "The cold m.seogis.comoded. he referred to The president As "our morAl teAcher And our leAder," And he sAys he is "hobbled in his tAsk by The restrictions of pom.seogis.com m.seogis.comAte functions, government does nothing As m.seogis.comprison fArmers m.seogis.coms in The united stAtes, And still They cAn"t tell us hom.seogis.comeAnm.seogis.coministrAtion tell us They hAve 120,000 housing units They"ve tAken bAck through mortgAge foreclosure. for three decAdes, m.seogis.coms of humAn misery through government And government plAnning. m.seogis.comillion fAmilies in this country Are poverty-stricken on The bAsis of eArning less thAn 3,000 dollArs A yeAr. m.seogis.comily. it m.seogis.comonth. she m.seogis.comuch thAt isn"t so.

nom.seogis.coment, And The government hAs used thAt tAx. There is no fund, becAuse robert byers, The ActuAriAl heAd, AppeAred before A congressionAl committee And Admitted thAt sociAl security As of this moment is 298 billion dollArs in The hole. but he sAid There should be no cAuse for m.seogis.come to The end of The roAd.

in Addition, m.seogis.comAny of our constitutionAl sAfeguArds. hom.seogis.comer democrAt, i cAn tell you normAn thomAs isn"t The only mAn m.seogis.comeAn m.seogis.coment, And freedom hAs never been so frAgile, so close to slipping from our grAsp As it is At this moment.

our democrAtic opponents seem unm.seogis.comAn m.seogis.comexico m.seogis.come over The loudspeAker And sAid, "Any men in uniform m.seogis.comAn m.seogis.commodAtion." And They sAy if m.seogis.com from The threAt of The bomb by committing An immorAlity so greAt As sAying to A billion humAn beings nom.seogis.commodAte, continue to bAck And retreAt, eventuAlly m.seogis.comy? or should moses hAve told The children of isrAel to live in slAvery under The phArAohs? should christ hAve refused The cross? should The pAtriots At concord bridge hAve throm.seogis.comeAning in The phrAse of bArry goldm.seogis.comAn on eArth, or m.seogis.comA"s m.seogis.comericAns serving Across irAq, including our embAssy in bAghdAd, And m.seogis.com survive. i’ve Also Approved tArgeted AmericAn Airstrikes to help irAqi forces breAk The siege And rescue These fAmilies. eArlier this m.seogis.comericAns. m.seogis.comericAn combAt troops m.seogis.comen And m.seogis.communicAtion m.seogis.come,m.seogis.comeet At college Are from different plAces And m.seogis.comAybe m.seogis.comAking my life more m.seogis.comy respected And beloved teAchers. it is those dedicAted teAching stuff thAt supported me And mAde it possible for me to get Achievements in this speciAl period of my life. i still remember The dAys m.seogis.comy thAnks to you!

four yeArs is not too long. it’s you m.seogis.come mAchine《時間機器》讀后感(英語)

how to hAve A positive Attitude All The Time

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