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網站:公文素材庫 | 時間:2019-05-22 12:27:46 | 移動端:慶祝會英語演講稿素材句子(精選多篇)



2.let me congratulate you on your success.恭喜你成功了。

3.it is my great privilege to say a m.seogis.comembers m.seogis.comr. smith, m.seogis.comr. smith m.seogis.com truly happy to speak for all of us in congratulating mr. smith, the m.seogis.com members on your stunning victory in the debating contest.謹代表所有評審,用這個機會,向你們的隊員在辯論賽中贏得漂亮的勝利表示由衷的祝賀。

15.unfortunately, due to pressure of business, her husband has been unable to come to taim.seogis.come begin by saying “thank you” to all m.seogis.comay you have the best of luck in san francisco.祝你在舊金山會有很好的運氣。

4.1.i really don’t knom.seogis.comiss him as a m.seogis.comr. smith the best of luck in everything he undertakes, either academically or socially, at hope college and in america.我祝福史密斯先生在霍浦學院和美國,不論是在學術上或是在社會上,一切順利,萬事如意。

9.thank you for taking time off from your busy jobs to come here tonight to say goodbye to miss smith.感謝你們今晚從百忙之中抽空到這兒向史密斯小姐道別。

10.all the members of your department are before you today to m.seogis.coming here tonight to see me off.謝謝你們今晚來為我送行。

15.i m.seogis.come.為我辦這個歡送會,首先我要說聲謝謝。

19.i certainly am thankful to the company for giving me such a chance, and i earnestly hope that i m.seogis.comerry christmas!耶誕快樂!

2.happy nem.seogis.come to speak to you all here tonight at this nem.seogis.comy great pleasure to m.seogis.comy host and hostess for inviting me to this christmas dinner.首先我要感謝主人和女主人邀請我參加這耶誕晚餐會。

14.let me begin by saying, “ a happy nem.seogis.comy parents.我特別要向我爸媽說感謝的話。

5.thank you all again for coming here today. i am pleased and honored.今天很感謝你們又都來這兒,我感到很高興,也很榮幸。

6.i’m pleased to stand before you today on this most beautiful of holidays, mother’s day.今天這個很美的節(jié)日,母親節(jié),我很高興站在你們的面前。

7.it i had the time, i m.seogis.come, first of all, to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for coming to this party in such numbers.這么多人光臨這個聚會,首先我要衷心地感謝大家。

11.i m.seogis.comarriage.我們在此為兩位聯(lián)姻作見證。

4.i nom.seogis.comarriage, and m.seogis.comy best friend, bob and his m.seogis.comates of the bridegroom, it is my great privilege to offer hearty congratulations to mr. smith on the happiest occasion of his life, and to his lovely bride.我很榮幸代表新郎史密斯先生的同學,在他三生中最幸福的日子,向他以及他可愛的新娘表達衷心的祝賀。

13.i consider it a special privilege to m.seogis.come to conclude my brief speech by wishing the bride and bridegroom all happiness and the best of luck for the future.謹祝新郎新娘將來美滿、多福,作為我短短講這些話的結束。

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