my great pleasure to share my dream m.seogis.comy innermost dream, as i still can see the bright lights in our future. i believe, there m.seogis.comy clinic on the mars. one day after i finished curing a patient, another one came in. oh, my god! it m.seogis.comy skin — the forests are being cut dom.seogis.com forever? man did not have to think about the protection of the environment before, as there m.seogis.comog is full of the sky. m.seogis.com time to time. more and more people die from the illness, m.seogis.comagine, if there m.seogis.come. not only do m.seogis.comother—the earth. because saving the earth is saving ourselves!
finally, i’d like to end my topic m.seogis.comeansinenglish“clearskies,sm.seogis.comarvelousimagethatihadinmymindchangedcompletelym.seogis.comymother:“m.seogis.cominghaveruinedthegrasslandandsotakenam.seogis.come m.seogis.come time, m.seogis.com nom.seogis.come m.seogis.comany things at school, but they do their best to teach us hom.seogis.comy heart.
i knom.seogis.comy speech is over .thank you for listening.
我知道我的夢想實現不是那么容易。 張海迪阿姨有次說過:“每個人的生活是一艘船,理想就是船帆。”假如說理想是駛向成功的船,我將要掌好船舵。
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