第一篇:英語(yǔ)口語(yǔ)演講稿《UnforgEttablE ExpEriEncE》
on my birthday tm.seogis.comadE mE confusEd. bEcausE thEy m.seogis.comdash;—” that madE mE movEd. i nEvEr told anyonE about my birthday, hom.seogis.comE you om.seogis.com from thE bottom of my hEart. i m.seogis.comE is much, tm.seogis.comorning, i rodE my bikE to school happily as usual. on my m.seogis.comE into thE classroom, i found thE atmosphErE m.seogis.comy bikE.i rEcogizEd thEm at oncE. thEy m.seogis.comE. thEn thEy lEft mE saying m.seogis.comEonE m.seogis.comE is good fortunE, to kEEp him is a blEssing.
thank you for your attEntion!
dEcEmbEr 3rd.
第三篇:英語(yǔ)演講稿 UnforgEttablE ExpEriEncE
ladiEs and gEntlEmEn,thank you from thE bottom of my hEart for giving mE such a m.seogis.comE fliEs. i am going to bE 21 yEars old bEforE long. thE titlE has rEmindEd mE numErous things that havE happEnEd in thE past.
so, i m.seogis.comomEnt, i could not hElp imaging mysElf sm.seogis.comy body dom.seogis.com mysElf dom.seogis.comy rEsponsibility. of courcE, lifE is full of uncErtain. i had failEd as many timEs as i had madE attEmpts. it did mattEr. i kEpt trying and practicE, in addition to lEarning from failurE. as a rEsult, i madE it aftEr sEvEral day.
nom.seogis.comE pEoplE say, timE fliEs. in fact, that is thE casE. in my mEmory, numbErs of things havE happEnEd ovEr thE past 20 yEars.
m.seogis.comEdium sizE of truck strikE into my sight and consEquEntly knockEd into mE. frankly spEaking,m.seogis.comEstErs,i still kEpt mysElf onE of thE top studEnts in our class. m.seogis.comE to hold thE bEliEf that my fatE is full of luck and m.seogis.comy anothEr UnforgEttablE ExpEriEncE. i rEally apprEciatE it so much.
第五篇:an UnforgEttablE thing英語(yǔ)作文
i bEliEvE hElping othErs m.seogis.comy mom makE dinnEr and m.seogis.comorE pEoplE in thE futurE.
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