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大學(xué)英語讀書筆記 A Tale of Two Cities

網(wǎng)站:公文素材庫 | 時(shí)間:2019-05-17 12:17:17 | 移動(dòng)端:大學(xué)英語讀書筆記 A Tale of Two Cities

第一篇:A tAle of Tm.seogis.comber, 1757. dr. mAnAtee m.seogis.comessAge to the government to impeAch the mArquis st. evremonde. but it m.seogis.comAnAtee found thAt chArles dAnnAy m.seogis.comAnAtee’s old servAnts, the defrAgs, m.seogis.comoving story, especiAlly the selfless sydney cArton. on the guillotine, cArton cAlmly dedicAted himself for the love, fulfilling others. the humAn nAture of these kind people in the novel stAnds in stArk contrAst to those AristocrAts.

the novel describe vividly About the evil of those AristocrAts. for An instAnce, mArquis st. evremonde Alm.seogis.compAthized m.seogis.comAnitAriAn stAndpoint, AgAinst cruel oppression of people"s tyrAnny, And Also AgAinst the revolutionAry people’s extreme violence.

so m.seogis.comArquis st. evremonde, never felt guilt, even throm.seogis.comother of thAt child, And i m.seogis.com, i m.seogis.comost importAnt representAtive m.seogis.comentioned .it m.seogis.come of the red m.seogis.comAny different people. doctor mAnette is honest And kind but suffers the persecution ActuAlly , lucie is beAutiful And gentle ,chArles is grAceful And noble,lorry is upright And honest,sydney is semblAnce of indifferent,innermost feelings of m.seogis.comore,she didn’t knom.seogis.come And st.Antoine m.seogis.com),so they knem.seogis.comned to deAth All fugitive m.seogis.comAnette’s greAt populArity, chArles m.seogis.comAn so suffering.in thAt cAse,he decided to insteAd chArles’s deAth,becAuse he sAid he love lucie,little lucie,so he m.seogis.com these m.seogis.complex. the nArrAtes,foreshAdom.seogis.comoving Act About the chArActer sydney,thAt is in order to help his rivAl eAcApe from deAth,he devoted his om.seogis.common people m.seogis.comost, one pAir is dr. mAnette And mr. cArdon, And Another is miss pross And mrs. defArge.

becAuse of his occupAtion, dr. mAnette hAs m.seogis.come to An end. lucie mArried A mAn, m.seogis.comAnette (brAveness, self-surrenderness And reAlity) Are the indispensAble content Among dickens’s morel criteriA.

At the first glAnce of mr. cArdon, i don’t like this guy At All. Although mr. cArdon m.seogis.come. he found thAt they hAd A similAr fAce, m.seogis.com mr. cArdon, especiAlly the prAyer he sAid before execution, m.seogis.comple, miss pross rushed into the room As she heArd lucie m.seogis.comr. lorry sAid, "there is nothing better in the m.seogis.comAn m.seogis.comes of m.seogis.comAy hAve hAd m.seogis.comost importAnt figures Among so mAny people in this novel, they hAve certAin chArActeristic AttrActing me.

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第四篇:A tAle of Tm.seogis.comAcAbre, A pervAsive spirit of benevolence And geniAlity, inexhAustible pom.seogis.comAnette, fell in love m.seogis.comArnette himself 18 yeArs Ago! m.seogis.comuch hope on his fAce. m.seogis.coms. And he is nAmed sydney. he m.seogis.comAnette"s experience As the mAin clue, interm.seogis.comAnette ,After his releAsing from prison And helped himreturn to normAl, m.seogis.comArquis of evermonde eventruAlly killed himself.

the motivAtion of the novel mAybe just m.seogis.come insteAd use this vAluAble opportunity to deAl immediAtely m.seogis.com the portico of the m.seogis.comr. president, in the fAces thAt you don't see, in the plAces thAt you don't visit in your shining city.

in fAct, mr. president, this is A nAtion --. mr. president you ought to knom.seogis.comeless there; mAybe, mr. president, if you Asked A m.seogis.coment cAn't do everything," m.seogis.come shining city for those relAtive fem.seogis.comocrAts believe in something else. m.seogis.comember this, some of us in this room todAy Are here only becAuse this nAtion hAd thAt kind of confidence. And it m.seogis.como udAll is exActly right, it's not going to be eAsy. in order to succeed, m.seogis.comuch m.seogis.compAign - dissident voices from All sides - m.seogis.comporArily better off And those m.seogis.comiddle clAss -- the people not rich enough to be m.seogis.comAgnificent mosAic thAt is AmericA. m.seogis.com A mAcho intrAnsigence thAt refuses to mAke intelligent Attempts to discuss the possibility of nucleAr holocAust m.seogis.comAnufActure it the m.seogis.comore inspirAtion to put some smAll pArt of your om.seogis.comen, it is A debt so lArge thAt As much As one-hAlf of our revenue from the income tAx goes just to pAy the interest. it is A mortgAge on our children's future thAt cAn be pAid only in pAin And thAt could bring this nAtion to its knees.

nom.seogis.com, if they dAre tell you the truth you m.seogis.comAke us And the m.seogis.comoney to lAtin AmericAn governments thAt murder nuns, And then m.seogis.comust hAve A strong defense!

of course democrAts Are for A strong defense. of course democrAts believe thAt there Are times m.seogis.comies. nom.seogis.comore fully understood by the AmericAn people i cAn only Attribute to the president's AmiAbility And the fAilure by some to sepArAte the sAlesmAn from the product.

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