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網站:公文素材庫 | 時間:2020-08-21 08:26:34 | 移動端:《追憶似水年華》讀后感



  不懂法文,還是讀不了原著,只好買了一套Andreas Mayor和Terece Kilmartin合作的英文譯著《In search of lost time》。以前看原著,即使幾本英語文學名著,大都在中譯本的對照下,心血來潮看幾頁原文,但畢竟英文不是母語,看起來總是覺得費力見效慢。現(xiàn)在心態(tài)變了,讀書沒了功利,反而感覺輕松坦然,哪怕讀一頁,再費神也不覺得了,更重要的是,英語應該比漢語更能理解闡明普魯斯特的語境了。


  Such was my answer; amid the sensual expressions,others will be recognised that were peculiar to my grand-mother and my mother. For, little by little, I was beginning to resemble all my relations: my father who-in avery different fashion from myself, no doubt, for if things repeat themselves, it is with great variations-took so keen an interest in the weather; and not my father only,but, more and more; my: aunt Leonie. Otherwise Albertine could not but have been a reason for my going out,so as not to leave her on her own, beyond my control.Although every day I found an excuse in some particular indisposition, what made me so often remain in bed was a person-not Albertine, not a person I loved but a person with more power over me than any beloved-who had transmigrated into me, a person despotic to the point of sliencing at times my jealous suspicions or at least of preventing me from going to verify whether they had any foundation, and that person was my aunt Leonie--my aunt Leonie, who was entirely steeped in piety and with whom I could have sworn that i had not a single point in common, I who was so passionately fond of pleasure, apparently worlds apart from that maniac who had never known any pleasure in her life and lay telling her beads all day long, I who suffered from my inability to actualise literary career whereas she had been the one person in the family who could never understand that reading was anything other than a means of whiling away the time, of“amusing oneself”which made it, even at Eastertide, permissible on Sundays, when every serious occupation is forbidden in order that the whole day may be hallowed by prayer. And as if it were not enough that i should bear anexaggerated resemblance to my father, to the extent of not being satisfied like him with-consulting the barometer, but becoming an animated barometer myself, as if it were not enough that I should allow myself to be ordered by my aunt leonie to stay at home and watch the weather, from my bedroom window or even from my bed, here I was talking now to Albertine, at one moment as the child that I had been at Combray used to talk to my mother, at another as my grandmother used to talk to me. When we have passed a certain age, the soul of the child that we were and the souls of the dead from whom we sprang come and shower upon us their riches and their spells,asking to be allowed to contribute to the new emotions which we feel and in which, erasing their former image,we recast them' in an original 'creation .Thus my whole past from my earliest years, and, beyond these, the past of my parents 'and relations, blended with my impure love for Albertine the tender charm of an affection at once filial and maternal. We have to give hospitality, at a certainage in our lives, to all our relatives who have journeyed so far and gathered round us.




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